John J. Uskert

Congratulations! You have landed on my Home Page. While many writers have rounded second and are on their way to third, perhaps sliding into home for the all important go-ahead run, many writers have just joined the team anticipating the first "at bat" opportunity. Whether this "at bat" will be productive remains to be seen. Batting practice may be in order, with several good cuts taken at a fast ball or curve. Currently, the goal is to hit the ball solidly. What happens next will be an adventure. Writing and reading are a national past time. Savor the pleasure.

The Joy of Reading
Reading a well-written piece can result in profound joy. Experiencing pleasure through reading is the ultimate reward. The fulfilled reader may experience pleasure through absorbing a masterful documentary or when captivated by a thrilling, fictional page-turner. The passionate writer seeks to elicit an array of emotions through descriptive, colorful prose, poetry or lyrics promising even greater gratification with the turn of each page.
Similarly, the reward of absorbing a short, short story is no different. It can be exceedingly pleasurable for the reader to devour a short piece, only to be knocked off kilter by an unforeseen twist or ending.

The Joy of Writing
The writer experiences a special kind of joy having completed a well crafted poem, narrative, novel, memoir, biography or other piece. The writer's goal is to make reading pleasurable for the audience. Failing this makes for boring reading; no thrill. emotion or excitement is experienced. Such is most unfortunate. Communicating effectively and persuading the reader in a call to action or supportive agreement fulfills the successful writer's objective.