Special Documents - reflections

John J. Uskert



     In my mind's eye, memories of distant past remain clear, distinct;

Although such memories may begin to fade, I, as I must, hold them near to me ;

     You have been a loving child, a joy in my life;

The years gone by only predict the fleeting of time, over which we have no control.


     Memories may become contorted over time, perhaps even confused with age;

Yet I am satisfied with my role in your development and maturation to adulthood;

     You are in control of your own destiny; I merely was chosen to hopefully be

influential in your young years in a positive way.


     I pray you have been equipped with necessary skills through your journey;

skills and talents, developed over time for you to be a positive being;

     Drawing strength from your Spirituality and prayers from all sources.

I am confident that you will, one day, once again recognize me as a Daddy, your Daddy.


     On this special day, I reflect on your birth, a joyous occasion many years ago.

You were and are a special person; you have brought joy to your mother and to me;

     I am thankful for the years we spent in our relationship as father-daughter;

I cannot be more proud to be your Daddy,


     We cannot predict what the future holds, but we must make the best of our time;

I pray that you remain physically, mentally and especially Spiritually strong;

     That you remain safe and comfortable in your surroundings far away from me

and that you also keep me, as best as you are able, near and dear to you.  I love you.


Happy Birthday!






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